"Engulf Mining" is a concept named by us that allows us to find implicit engulf candlestick patterns on the price chart. Engulf formations are normally formed by 2 consecutive bars. But they cannot always be completed with only 2 bars. Sometimes engulf candle formations can be detected with a combination of 3, 4 or even more bars.
As in the image above, there is a bullish engulf formation, which is normally formed with 2 bars, on the left side. When you look carefully at the opening and closing price levels of these two bars, you can see the same opening and closing price levels in the sequence of candles on the right side of the picture. If you look carefully at this picture; the first bar of the candles where on the left and the first bar of the candles where on the right are the same bearish candle.
The difference is that the green bullish candle on the left closed above the previous red bearish candle with 1 candle at a time, forming an engulf candle pattern. On the right side of the picture, the small body candles that came after the first red bearish candle progressed step by step and closed above the first red bearish candle in the 5th candle bar. Here, if we add these 5 bars end-to-end and consider these 5 bars as a single candlestick, we get the candlestick sequence equivalent to the bullish engulf candle formation of 2 bars, which is the equivalent on the left side of the picture. Here, we call these operations briefly engulf mining.