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Negative - Revenge Trade


"Revenge Trade" is a psychology that is constantly experienced by people who have just entered the markets or do not have sufficient financial equipment and do not know trade psychology. These people, as a result of closing their trade positions with a loss, go into a fit of anger and open unnecessary positions in order to quickly compensate for their losses. As a result, these people lose money again and the amount of loss increases.

This situation now becomes a spiral. These people, who do not have sufficient financial knowledge and strategy equipment, open unnecessary trade positions again to compensate their total loss. As a result, they suffer. This spiral continues until these people run out of money.

As a result, these people who do not have financial trader license; Since they do not know the trade psychology and are not trained on how to eliminate the negative trade psychologies, they constantly lose money in the financial markets and cannot be successful.

The golden point here is not to be stubborn with the market. There is no such thing as 100% certainty in financial markets. There are always possibilities and traders should determine in advance how they will proceed if their expectations are not fulfilled. Professional traders, who have a large variety of instruments to trade, do not stick to a single instrument and become stubborn with it.

Professional traders, when they see that their expectations in an instrument are not fulfilled, quickly change the instrument that does not get results. Begins to trade on a different financial instrument that suitable for investment or trading. Because they know that opportunities in financial markets never end!

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